Monday, June 18, 2012

A new ministry opportunity

In case you weren't at FBC Marlow today . . . . sometime after Falls Creek I will be transitioning from Student Pastor to LIFE pastor. If you aren't connected to our church, that essentially means that I will be running the day to day operations of our gym (LIFE Center), working with small groups, & the adult Sunday School classes for parents of College students down to the college students themselves, as well as having a role in outreach. I am excited about this new ministry opportunity as it will allow me to do something I have always wanted to do in the Recreation ministry and a basketball gym!!!!! I will also be able to hang out with students in the LIFE center after school (STILL WORKING WITH STUDENTS!!!) Plus, through my 4 years+ here at Marlow, I have a burden for a few areas that I hope to help reach more people. God willing, we can begin a new singles ministry & strengthen up our College/Career area (most are my former students already!!!) You might be wondering how this affects our current LIFE pastor. Good question! He is going to be transitioning to our Senior Adult pastor as well. He is not leaving, and neither am I. What it does mean is that we will immediately begin the process of finding the best student pastor possible, and I will get to have a role in helping that happen. I have been a student pastor since 1996 minus the 4 years of seminary. So to leave this area of ministry was a step of faith for me, but it was one I could see coming. I didn't expect it to come so soon, but as I sit back and look, it just fits me where I am now-what God has brought me to, plus it allows me to serve in a church that is alive & that I love. It isn't like I was in trouble or in danger of losing my job if I didn't take it, the opportunity was presented and after praying through it, we are at peace about this and excited about it. When I looked at this, our pastor looked at this, the deacons looked at this, we all came to a similar conclusion. Why didn't we think of this sooner? It will cause my role with students to be different, but my role with students will not change in that I will working with them from a different vantage point in the LIFE center. I aim to help the next student pastor as needed and continue help students serve now as well as prepare for their future in being lifelong disciples of Jesus. I believe our student ministry will go higher & reach more students as we get the right person that God desires for this position. The students need that, the adult volunteers need that, and I believe that God will take us to places with students, their families, and enlarging the Kingdom in ways we can't imagine or even dream. I look forward to seeing that firsthand & being amazed at what God has done.

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