Sunday, December 20, 2009

A spiritual moment with my daughter

Tonight at church, we celebrated the Lord's Supper. In our church, we do not do this on a weekly basis as some do. Our 5 year daughter was with us tonight, which presented us an opportunity to "teach". As the bread was being passed, she grabbed for a piece which my wife and I had to tell her no, which my head-strong 5 year old did not like. She wanted to do what the big people were doing. My wife explained what the bread symbolized, the body of Jesus. Then it was my turn as I got my daughter on my lap and shared that born-again, baptized believers take part in this time to remember Christ's life, death, and resurrection.

What these moments did for me is to remind me of my need to pray for my child's salvation, but also her spiritual growth afterwards. Once we choose to make Jesus our Lord and Savior, this is just the beginning of our journey. So many times, when people make this choice, we forget that they are just babes in their spiritual journey. The important thing that we must do is to continue to help them to walk and grow in their relationship with Christ. We will never get to the goal until we stand before the Father. Until then, we must strive to become more like Him and die to ourselves.

This night as we looked back at the life of Christ, His death on the Cross, and His resurrection, we also looked ahead to His return. My purpose as a father is to prepare my children to be ready, to lead them to a place where they have opportunities to follow the King of kings and Lord of lords.

In this Christmas season, let's us not forget that Jesus is the Son of God and that He left the Father for us. There is no other faith/religion/god/etc that did anything for its followers except what we call the Christian faith. Allah did nothing, Buddha did nothing, the Hindu gods have done nothing, only the Father. This is not a Happy Holidays type of thing. This is the reason we have hope and can have peace. It is all about Jesus and we must not allow our world to silence us. We must stand up and speak out that Jesus is the only reason for this season or really any other.

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