Monday, January 11, 2010

dealing with murder and more

On January 1, my uncle was shot and killed by a guy who worked for him. Needless to say, he was not one of high morality. In fact, he was just the opposite. However, throughout this entire process my anger has been more directed towards my uncle as has my mom, since it was her brother.

My uncle was an alcoholic. Alcohol was an accessory to the murder, since both men were drinking. In fact, both men were alcoholics and when drinking would get into knock-down drag out fights consistently according to my cousin, the son of my uncle.

My uncle also surrounded himself with people of less than noble character. He pushed everyone else away. The saying that people will drag you down is definitely certain in the case of my uncle. Surround yourself with people of honor and integrity and you will become more honorable and full of integrity. Surround yourself with the opposite and well, you get the picture.

My uncle was a Vietnam veteran. In fact, everyone who knew him before and after say that he was never the same. I would have liked to known the man before, but all I have known is the distant man whom I called Uncle Don. Regardless of whether you support a war or not, support our troops. Take it up with the politicians and not the soliders. They are only following orders. 2nd, don't be like many during the late 60's, 70's, and even now who spit on soliders, curse them, hold protests against the soldiers, or treat them as criminals. This only aided in the bitterness and anger of my uncle and other Vietnam veterans who deserve better.

Through this death, we are uncovering things that we did not know that were there. My mom is struggling which hurts my heart. She is angry, not at the murderer, but at my uncle as he chose to allow this guy around. He chose to drink. He chose to isolate himself. He chose not to be close to his son, which has only caused him to be angry as well. One man's choice has rippled into the lives of so many others.

When someone tells you that their choices/actions don't affect others, just think of my uncle.

Throughout this entire ordeal which is truly beyond the words or lack thereof that I can express. Christians have been praying for our family. I truly don't know how we would have gone through the past 10 days. Friends have called and shared their prayers. How do people get through the storms of life without the hope/peace/strength/grace that comes from Jesus?

So if that is you, thank you.

We still face the courts, a District Attorney in Cotton county who shares no information with the family. He won't even take an appointment. We wonder why our court system is corrupt and not worthy of trust. See him for an illustration. but God is on His throne and He is the One in control. He is the ultimate Judge. We still need your prayers, and my mom and my cousin need them the most.

Would you ask the Father to use this tragedy to draw my cousin to Him? Would God somehow get the glory through this!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing, jeremy, i will keep your family and you in my prayers...i agree, our choices are always more far-reaching than we can even's sad to see the impact on others that alcohol and drugs and even bitterness and hate can have, but the opposite also has it's effects...thank the Lord!
    when we love someone who is hurting theirselves and others and won't stop, it really breaks our hearts...may your mom and your cousin feel God's great closeness throughout this u much, jo ann
